templates/facility_dashboard/department.html.twig line 1

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  1. {% extends 'front.html.twig' %}
  2. {% block title %}Type of Beds in {{ beds[0].department }} ({{ beds[0].facility }}){% endblock %}
  3. {% block content %}
  4.     <div class="kt-subheader kt-grid__item"></div>
  5.     <div class="kt-container kt-grid__item kt-grid__item--fluid">
  6.         <div class="kt-portlet kt-portlet--mobile">
  7.             <div class="kt-portlet__head kt-portlet__head--lg">
  8.                 <div class="kt-portlet__head-label">
  9.                     <h3 class="kt-portlet__head-title">Type of Beds in {{ beds[0].department }} ({{ beds[0].facility }})</h3>
  10.                 </div>
  11.             </div>
  12.             <div class="kt-portlet__body">
  13.                 <table class="table">
  14.                     <thead>
  15.                         <tr>
  16.                             <th>Hospital</th>
  17.                             <th>Address</th>
  18.                             <th>Phone No.</th>
  19.                             <th class="text-right">Beds Sanctioned</th>
  20.                             <th class="text-right">Occupied Yesterday</th>
  21.                             <th class="text-right">Admitted Today</th>
  22.                             <th class="text-right">Discharged Today</th>
  23.                             <th class="text-right">Vacant Beds</th>
  24.                             <th class="text-right text-nowrap">Bed Occupancy %</th>
  25.                         </tr>
  26.                     </thead>
  27.                     <tbody>
  28.                         {% for bed in beds %}
  29.                             <tr>
  30.                                 <td>{{ bed.facility }}</td>
  31.                                 <td>{{ bed.address ? bed.address ~ ', ' : '' ~ bed.village }}</td>
  32.                                 <td>{{ bed.phone }}</td>
  33.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ bed.sanc }}</td>
  34.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ bed.yesterday }}</td>
  35.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ bed.today }}</td>
  36.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ bed.discharged }}</td>
  37.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ bed.sanc - bed.occupied }}</td>
  38.                                 <td class="text-right">{{ ((bed.occupied * 100) / bed.sanc)|number_format(2) }}</td>
  39.                             </tr>
  40.                         {% endfor %}
  41.                     </tbody>
  42.                 </table>
  43.             </div>
  44.         </div>
  45.     </div>
  46. {% endblock %}